Amy Schumer is fearless. She is an amazing and outrageous comedic talent who has absolutely no lack of confidence and that’s what this film is all about. She wants it to empower young women who lack self-esteem. There are some good laugh out loud moments, but it’s more a series of bits than a cohesive film. There are scenes which seem to be unfinished or cut short.
Schumer plays Renee, a woman who goes to a spin class surrounded by incredibly beautiful, thin, women when she falls and hits her head really hard. Her brain gets scrambled so when she looks in the mirror, she sees a new her. She’s supermodel gorgeous and confident beyond belief. Schumer runs with it overacting a lot, showing off her attributes which have not changed at all playing. She’s still got that jelly belly and un-enhanced face. Schumer didn’t wear much makeup, on purpose.
Her best friends are Vivian, (SNL’s Aidy Bryant) and Jane (Busy Phillips – TV’s Vice Principals, Cougar Town) who are not the portraits of beauty either. When they see Renee, who is so excited about her new image, they don’t see any change in her appearance but they see the huge change in her attitude. She is totally obnoxious ready to take on the world. As a web master for a LeClair beauty company working out of a hole of an office in a building in New York’s China Town, she longs to work at the glamorous home office. New found confidence prompts her to apply for the very visible receptionist job.
The interview is painful, but funny with Oscar Award winner Michelle Williams working comedy of her own as Avery LeClair, the owner of the family-owned beauty business. Williams speaks with this high, breathy, childlike voice as Avery. She’s supposed to be smart but sounds clueless and although we winced hearing her silly voice at first, it works. Williams hasn’t done much comedy, but maybe she should do more. She’s got good timing.
Super model from the “60s, Lauren Hutton, plays Michelle’s famous grandmother, for whom the business is named. She’s gives the voice of reality and her interaction with Avery and Renee is amusing.

Renee’s love life is a disaster, but with new found confidence, she turns waiting in line at a cleaners into a date with Ethan (Rory Scovel- TV’s Those Who Can’t, Wrecked). It’s kind of an Abbott and Costello “Who’s On First” bit of miscommunication. Scovel and Schumer did open mic nights together when they were starting out about 10 years ago, and they’re comfort level plays well in the movie. He’s made somewhat nebby, coming out of a Zumba class they paint as women only. But Zumba isn’t just for the ladies. We’ve taken Zumba with plenty of men, too.
Our favorite scene is the when, on a date with the shy, retiring Ethan, she hops on stage to enter a bikini contest. Schumer outdoes herself showing just how fearless she really is. No angle is unturned in every possible position, from butt up. She’s covered and got it covered, but she is absolutely hilarious.
Renee also comes in contact with Avery’s brother, the tall and super handsome Grant LeClair (Tom Hopper – Game of Thrones). He’s the black sheep of the family, but not to Renee. But there are scenes that seemed cut short or unfinished, especially with Ethan and Grant, for example when he uses her hotel room to order food and disappears wile she’s his the shower. We thought there might be more fun interaction there, but, alas, there was not. And there are not enough scenes with her best friends who could have been pulled in for more action.
Fans of Amy Schumer and millennial woman will relate most to the message of this movie. Schumer shows that every woman has insecurities about how they look, but wants to empower women to shake their fear of flaws. You may not think this is the best movie, but it may make you laugh and feel better about your bad self.
STX Entertainment 1 hour 50 minutes PG-13