This film is an attempt to update the 1985 classic teen film, The Breakfast Club. Although Writer/Director Nicholas Celozzi gathered a talented stable of young actors, along with Anthony Michael Hall and Debbie Gibson, the script and the pacing does not create an effective re-imagination.
We spoke with Celozzi before production started to find out what he was aiming for in this film. His goal was to show how teens are dealing with serious issues they face today. There are examples of kids who are gay, interracial, exploring teen attitudes toward life, each other and authority. Most of all, it’s about each young adult’s self-identity.
Jason (Charlie Gillespie), Jesse (Hannah Kepple), Casey (Lyric Ross) Michael (Michael Sebastian) and Max (Colin McCalla) play the kids kept in a class together because they failed a test. It’s not detention, per se. Miranda (Debbie Gibson) is the teacher who is trying to light a fire under these kids, but she is too upbeat, almost like a perky cheerleader, which doesn’t really fit the tenor of this class. Eventually, she explains why she is the way she is to the kids, but it comes too late in the film.
Faulk, the school vice principal, sitting in on this session, is played by Anthony Michael Hall, who starred as a young teen in The Breakfast Club original film. Hall, now looks handsome and mature, but doesn’t project a believable character. His body language is stiff and plays a very judgmental administrator, sitting back, reacting to the behavior of the kids. At times, the camera goes to a shot of his furrowed brow as a cutaway which awkwardly breaks the emotion of the scene.
This film does not flow. It is really a series of long scenes without adequate transition, taking too long to figure out what each kid is really going through.We appreciate some of the acting from the cast, but it is uncomfortable at times to watch these uneven performances, especially from Hall and Gibson. Even though there are moments of very genuine serious emotion, reactions from the other actors don’t always ring true. We rolled our eyes more than once.
There are also editing and continuity problems when one of the kids dramatically melts down and leaves the room. But in the very next scene, he’s still sitting right there in the classroom, with no explanation.
Credit to Celozzi for making a valiant effort to pay tribute to the 1985 breakout film, The Breakfast Club, by placing it in today’s world. The talent is there, but, unfortunately, this updated script and direction is just not in the same class.
Brainstorm Media. 1 hour 54 minutes. Not Rated