Three is the magic number for this film. Three Billboards presents three incredible performances in another dark comedy crafted by Irish Director Martin McDonagh(In Bruges). McDonagh says he saw similar billboards in the US some 20 years ago and wanted to write a film with strong female lead.
Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell star in this extraordinary film about a mother frustrated that the police chief of Ebbing Missouri has not been able to find who killed her daughter. The script is so well written the actors say it was like a gift. The gift is wrapped in the masterful execution of the material McDonagh worked 8 years to create.And, he’s even added some action. Just when it gets super serious, something strange or funny happens to keep you wondering.
Mildred spreads her ire not only in 3 controversial billboards, but spews venom at anyone who gets in her way. She is beyond angry. McDormand’s masterfully uses the slightest facial expression to strike fear into her perceived enemies. You soon learn Mildred is not someone to mess with. But there’s where the fun begins. One scene in the dentist’s office and then trying to talk to the Chief afterward with novocain mouth is hysterical. It’s was McDormand’s choice to wear a jump suit and to put the bandanna on whenever she went to war with the locals.

Woody Harrelson is the chief she’s after. He’s not working fast enough for her. He’s a kind family man we learn has problems of his own. He’s patient with her and tries to show Mildred he’s on her side. He plays it with compassion just trying to keep peace with Mildred and his community.
But his dumb as rock deputy, Dixon, played by Sam Rockwell, has issues with Mildred because she’s going after his boss. Rockwell plays well the person you want to hate. He’s basically a violent, racist smart ass, and as lazy as can be. But he’s so innocently clueless, he’s funny.
Rockwell said he gained just a few pounds but gives kudos to his costumer for adding padding around the top his pants to create a paunch. That helped the swagger adding to his character. Rockwell is perfectly cast and worked with McDonagh in Seven Psychopaths. He says reading the script, he kept turning the pages saying, OMG, what next?
Wait till you meet even more racist Mama Dixon (Sandy Martin). Mama helps understand why Dixon is so obnoxious. Martin plays the part well and creates some funny but also uncomfortable moments.

This is a small town and the characters in it know each other too well. One character who takes a lot of flack is James played by Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) . He’s the nice guy who only wants to help. He covers for some Mildred’s outrageous and destructive acts. The date scene with James when Mildred’s ex (Jack Hawkes) and his child-like bride (Samara Weaving) show up is another humorous respite from the tension. But her relationship ship with her son played by Lucas Hedges (Manchester by the Sea) is also very telling.
Flashbacks provide some answers or more questions, but regardless of how tough and mean Mildred is, you’ll empathize with her trying to keep the memory of her daughter alive through the billboards. They are the catalyst and she’ll do anything to keep them from being destroyed.
It is rare when you get so many well constructed characters in one film. McDormand, Rockwell, and Harrelson are extraordinary in this film. You’ll see how their characters change in two hours. Some may take issue with the ending of this film. Writer/Director McDonagh doesn’t believe in wrapping things up in a tight little bow, but this package deserves to be opened.
Fox Searchlight 155 minutes R